Why Do I need to Focus?
Category : Motivational
That’s what most ordinary people think when they hear in a motivational CD or tape that you need to stay focused, stay the course, don’t get distracted, in order to meet your goals.
The problem is that most people don’t have goals therefore they live ordinary lives everyday. Someone who has goals and knows what they want they will FOCUS on doing the necessary activities to accomplish that goal even if it is uncomfortable.
Once someone taught me that the road to success is a straight road, like a highway, with many exits (distractions) . The trick is to not get distracted because if you do you will go off to work on that issue, problem, whatever the matter is you’re addressing, even new distractions will emerge and next thing you know a day, a week, even a month went by and now you’re getting back on that highway starting over.
Once you recognize the distraction avoid it, whatever you do don’t let it take you off course. Don’t loose sight of your main focus on where you’re going to achieve your goals. Things that help keeping you on track are reading books, listening to CD’s, tapes, etc. Seek out leaders who have accomplished similar things you want to achieve and follow their coaching.
One thing I learned is that all the successful leaders in the world had to stay focused at one period of their lives in order to achieve their success. So yes being focused is important.
Image: scottchan / Freedigitalphotos.net