Best Event Video for Allen & Liz Grindstaff
Category : Blogging
We recorded this video with 2 intentions in mind, one is for a contest for the Best Event Video for Empower Network but second to express to the leaders of this company that they are changing lives not only financially but also physically (mindset)!
I say that because through the audios, videos, events, environments that we have experienced through Empower Network it has helped my wife in the area of mindset when fighting cancer.
Doctors, hospitals, infusion centers have done a great job helping her physically but there is still the area of mindset to deal with. It can be very challenging all the thoughts that run in our minds through the course of healing, it’s a roller coaster, the trick is to quiet any of the negatives and let the symphony of the positive ones come through.
We have found that through God, prayers, immediate family, extended family (Empower), it has leads us to positive & right thinking which has helped greatly in her healing process.
Some of the friends who spend time with us and have inspired us to get better, think positively and have a bigger vision, bigger outlook in life is Dave Wood:
Speaking of inspiring we thank Ashley Needles for her kind words during a video we shot in California back in September of 2012, you rock Ash!
Last but not least, Mr. David Sharpe, thank you for your motivation, leadership, inspiration, drive, for being an example of what we are capable of doing not only for ourselves but for others. Your are a Bad Ass brother!
Thanks to God, prayer, our families (EN included), close friends, my wife is on her way to a full recovery!
I could not ask for anything better than to have my healthy wife who I love dearly!
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Make a Great Day!
Allen & Liz Grindstaff
Skype: allengrindstaff
Work With Me – The Best Internet Business
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