If tomorrow never comes
Category : Blogging Cancer treatments Mindset Motivational
If tomorrow never comes
Never thought that this journey will not be easy….
Never thought that I will see so many different faces every day
faces with worries…
faces with wonder…
faces with sorrow…
faces looking for an answer…
faces looking for hope, for a new beginning…
When you hear the word Cancer
you just feel lost
you feel in shock
your feelings change in a flash…
you just don’t believe what you hear,
you just feel like you hit a wall
you are on denial,
then you just realize that it’s happening
it is real.
Now is the time to change my life.
What if tomorrow never comes?….
lets not focus on that
lets be thankful for every day you have,
you see life in a different prospective and also you learn
how to prioritize.
You look for words of comfort:
“You raise me up,
so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up,
to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up….. To more that I can be.” (every time I hear this it keeps me going and think positive)
Every time I go to the Hospital for treatments
I see so many faces with different situations, when I bring my smile
it shines the room and I bring the smile to everyone in need.
You know that you are not alone…
Lets bring a smile every day
be thankful for what you have
What if tomorrow never comes
lets just live today and every day…
When you pray to God this is what you hear:
“Because He lives
I can face tomorrow
because He lives all fear is gone;”
Another quote from unknown author:
“Stay strong, no night is too long. You’ll make it through this fight, you’ll win back your life. I believe you can make it, I believe you are strong. ”
“Be kind, for everyone you know is fighting a hard battle.” — Plato
Never Give up !!! Be Strong!!!!
There is always a new day.
Make a Great Day!
Allen & Liz Grindstaff
Skype: allengrindstaff
Facebook: facebook.com/allen.grindstaff
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