Category Archives: Blogging


The Think and Grow Rich Call

A good friend and business partner Paul Hutchings hosts a live “Think and Grow Rich” Mindset call every morning at 9am EST / 6am PST.

This is where we come together and mastermind about true principles that if you applied in your life you would make a lot more money!

~You will never out perform your mindset~ Tony Rush

~Mindset + Skillset x Performance = Results~ Paul Hutchings

We are starting “Think And Grow Rich” from the beginning starting tomorrow morning!

think-and-grow-richMake a decision to show up if you want to see the results you deserve!

“Think & Grow Rich Mindset Call”
9am EST / 6am PST

Dial In Live: 712-432-0900
Access Code: 565762#

Replay Number: 712-432-0990 (Stays up till the next call the next day)

Click Here To Download The Think & Grow Rich E-Book Here

Paul has also put his entire database 300+ hours of recordings in his membership site @ if you want to listen in to past recordings… (not an affiliate)

Learn the mindset above and the skillset from our “Prosperity Team” below!

Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us!

  • Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)…
  • Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)…
  • Daily Action Assignments & Accountability
  • Facebook Group Mastermind…
  • Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)…
  • Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You…

And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!

Click Here


If enjoyed today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page if you want more content like this.

Make a Great Day!

Prosperity Team

Allen & Liz Grindstaff

Skype: allengrindstaff


Work With Me – The Best Internet Business

PS: Cool video show how this year will be “The Year of Empower”


If you like this post on Think and Grow Rich Call, retweet and comment please!

A new day

If tomorrow never comes

If tomorrow never comes

A new dayNever thought that this journey will not be easy….
Never thought that I will see so many different faces every day
faces with worries…
faces with wonder…
faces with sorrow…
faces looking for an answer…
faces looking for hope, for a new beginning…

When you hear the word Cancer
you just feel lost
you feel in shock
your feelings change in a flash…
you just don’t believe what you hear,
you just feel like you hit a wall
you are on denial,
then you just realize that it’s happening
it is real.

Now is the time to change my life.
What if tomorrow never comes?….
lets not focus on that
lets be thankful for every day you have,
you see life in a different prospective and also you learn
how to prioritize.

You look for words of comfort:
“You raise me up,
so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up,
to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up….. To more that I can be.” (every time I hear this it keeps me going and think positive)

Every time I go to the Hospital for treatments
I see so many faces with different situations, when I bring my smile
it shines the room and I bring the smile to everyone in need.
You know that you are not alone…
Lets bring a smile every day
be thankful for what you have

What if tomorrow never comes
lets just live today and every day…
When you pray to God this is what you hear:
“Because He lives
I can face tomorrow
because He lives all fear is gone;”

Another quote from unknown author:

“Stay strong, no night is too long. You’ll make it through this fight, you’ll win back your life. I believe you can make it, I believe you are strong. ”

“Be kind, for everyone you know is fighting a hard battle.” — Plato

Never Give up !!! Be Strong!!!!

There is always a new day.


Make a Great Day!

Prosperity Team

Allen & Liz Grindstaff

Skype: allengrindstaff


Work with me: Say yes to more income!

EZ money

Want More Empower sales?

EZ MoneyI just started using this new system
that sells Empower for you, plus has
2 other income streams built in that
both pay over 300% commissions!

==> Check it out here…

The way I see it, this is just another
offer you can use to generate leads
(since 50,000 people are using the
same pages in Empower Network)


You can send this to your current list
and the people who haven’t joined
from your emails pitching Empower
will take another look when you start
talking about 350% commissions!

==> Click here to see the system…

This system is the “secret weapon’”
of many of the top income earners
in Empower Network, including Justin
Verrengia, Chuck Marshall, and Mack.
(who used it to bring in over 100 sales
in just a couple days during the last
contest and win the $20,000 prize)

…and the best part?

The system is FR’EE!

==> So watch this video now…

You have nothing to lose!


Make a Great Day!

Prosperity Team

Allen Grindstaff

Skype: allengrindstaff


Work with me: Say yes to more income!

How Is This Serving me?


How Is This Serving me?



Have you ever disagreed with a marketing method, advise or tips from someone who earns way more money then you?

…I know I have in the past and I want to introduce you to this powerful question:

How is this serving me?

Listen to how this statement has helped me in my life!


Lock arms with our team below!

Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us!

  • Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)…
  • Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)…
  • Daily Action Assignments & Accountability
  • Facebook Group Mastermind…
  • Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)…
  • Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You…

And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!

Click Here

If enjoyed today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page if you want more content like this.


Make It a Great Day!

Prosperity TEam

Allen Grindstaff

Skype: allengrindstaff


Work With Me – Say Yes to Income


PS: Discover How To Make $200 to $300 a Day From Home Like Clockwork…CLICK HERE!


If you like this post on How Is This Serving me?, re-tweet and comment please!


How To Get Your Website Back When De-Indexed


How To Get Your Website Back When De-Indexed


Back in June I had my site De-indexed which just means Google took it off the search engines for some reason…

…They didn’t really tell me why so I did my own research and GOOD NEWS!

They Re-Indexed my website 9 days ago…


Here is how I got it back:




 Click Here To Learn Exactly How Google Wants Your Website


Learn from the best of the best about generating traffic from blogging below!

Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us!

  • Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)…
  • Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)…
  • Daily Action Assignments & Accountability
  • Facebook Group Mastermind…
  • Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)…
  • Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You…

And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!





Click Here
Learn More





If enjoyed today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page if you want more content like this.


Make It a Great Day!

Prosperity TEam

Allen Grindstaff
Skype: allengrindstaff

Work With Me –


PS: Discover How To Make $200 to $300 a Day From Home Like Clockwork…CLICK HERE!


If you like this post on How To Get Your Website Back When De-Indexed, retweet and comment please!


Prosperity Team

Do You have fear of change or would you rather endure the pain from staying where you are?

Do You have fear of change or would you rather endure the pain from staying where you are?


I often ask this to people who I would like to work with because they have potential to be great in helping others. Many times after I get to know the person a little bit by asking questions they surprise me by hesitating in joining our team. Why is that? They expressed that money is not the issue, nor our team, nor how to market our products…so then what is the hang up?


Finally I came to the conclusion that is the fear of change, or the pain of where they are in life is not painful enough to motivate them to seek change. They know that everything they want in life that it’s important to them is on the other side of CHANGE but sometimes people endeavor in change and they get burned so it’s understandable they are just being cautious for not getting burned….again!


I felt the same way until I found Empower Network and it changed everything for me. No longer do I have to chase family, friends, coworkers, drive to walmart and walk up to strangers in order to find people to sponsor in our business, make hotel meeting, etc. Empower Network showed the tools, the education, the simple blueprint and steps I need to succeed using methods that are used TODAY not methods that we used in the 1970’s (you know like the ones I mentioned earlier chasing friends n’ stuff…etc).


Now the cool thing is I just follow 3 simple steps to generate an income while having fun and helping others…if you have any questions about Empower Network and our Prosperity Team…. CLICK on this link and it’s going to explain everything!


CLICK HERE if you want to see more of what I do to helps others reach their goals!


You no longer have to endure the pain of staying where you are in life…you have an option, CLICK on the sexy button below to get started with the fastest growing team in Empower Network the Prosperity Team!


Prosperity Team


Prosperity TEam









To YOUR Prosperity,

Allen Grindstaff


Skype: allengrindstaff



P.S. I have a feeling you’re going to love this 🙂


All these people do……


Empower Network Prosperity Team


Half court money shot

Incredible Half-Court Shot – MONEY SHOT | January 11,2013 | 01/11/2013 | NBA 2012/13 Season

Unbelievable Shot from Half Court…Check this out how it turns out!

Video from someone who made an Incredible Half Court Money Shot During Halftime at an Atlanta Hawks Game


Half court money shot

Half court money shot

What does joy smell like

Remember What Joy Smells Like?

Category : Blogging

Remember What Joy Smells Like?



Joy is in the air, Joy is everywhere, is in people!


During these challenging times we need to remember to be joyful and grateful of the things we have.


Must of us are blessed to have:


  • Eyesight
  • Taste
  • Hearing
  • Smell
  • Touch
  • Be able to walk
  • To run
  • To Hug


The are many other blessings that we have and take for granted.  Many others may not be as blessed.


During these holidays remember to be thankful, joyful, over all grateful!

Happy Holidays!!!

What does joy smell like



Our best wishes to you and your family!


Allen Grindstaff

“The Freedom Professional”

Skype: AllenGrindstaff


If this post helped please comment and share if you like to see similar content.

P.S. Click on any of the banners in this site to see how I earn an income while I post articles like this one.


You Can’t Make All The Money You Want On An 8 hour Workday

You Can’t Make All The Money You Want On An 8 hour Workday



This a great video from one of Empower Networks’ top earners where he explains the following:


  • Why make little money at a place you spend most of your time at.
  • Won’t you rather spend your time making more money in less time and enjoy the rest of your day playing video games with your kids.
  • 100% Efficiency at the workplace…there is none at an 8 hour J.O.B.
  • Do you think your neighbors will feel uncomfortable when you talk about “Getting Rich”?


Did you enjoy This Bog Post?


Discover how to make a simple blog post like this one part time from home in no time, share it and make a great income.  You can see Empower Networks’ income disclosure here.

If you want to gather more information you can click on any of the banners in this page or simply click on the big button below.



More info button



To your success

Allen Grindstaff

Skype: allengrindstaff


Online Marketing

Amazingly Easy Online Marketing Tips That Will Change Your Outlook

Online Marketing

Amazingly Easy Online Marketing Tips That Will Change Your Outlook

The Internet is the newest frontier for advertising. The advice in this article can give you guidance in bringing in more revenue.

Uploading your own viral video that includes tags will increase your chances of online marketing success. Be sure to include a link that goes back to your website in the video description. This can really increase the amount of traffic your site receives.

TIP! If hiring someone who specializes in marketing is out of the question, take advantage of the many free online tools available. Some of the marketing resources available online and locally at little to no cost are online business forums, informational blogs, eBooks, and local business seminars.

Use viral videos to get huge numbers of visitors to your site. It takes a bit of ingenuity and thinking outside the box to create a video that will attract hundreds of thousands or even millions of views. This extra traffic will make your business really take off.

As you begin your online marketing, you must also consider advertising. Even though the initial outlay may seem high, it will pay off in increased site traffic. Doing so can bring in business that is difficult to find in other ways.

Encourages sales by presenting products in a positive way. Talk about how much your readers can improve their lives by buying your product. Encourage your readers to be successful, and they will believe it too.

TIP! Hold events and promotions to gain more traffic. Try having a buy one get one sale on a product! People who visit your website for the item on sale may wind up buying other items from you.

It is important to estimate the ratio of visitors to customers to see if your site is effective. There are a wide variety of companies that provide tracking software to determine how many visitors a website has, along with the number of sales that those visits trigger.

Put on a promotion or event, and then see what the buzz is about. This will benefit the future success of marketing strategies. Look out for public opinions about your promotions and events on forums, blogs, etc. Incorporate the advice they have given so that your visitors know that you are listening to them, and respect what they have to say.

Make small changes to your headlines and your content on a regular basis, and pay close attention to how it affects traffic and sales. When you have figured out which approach and tone represent your business the best, promote it and build on it. Give your customers the opportunity to leave feedback so you can improve your website and service.

TIP! You should figure out whom you are trying to reach, and what content you need to produce to attract them to your site. As soon as you know your target audience, you will have no problem giving them the content to make them consistently come to your site.

A common strategy used by internet marketers is to offer loyalty discounts. For instance, you could extend to your customers a ten percent off discount on all purchases of $200 or more. This is a good way to get your customers to buy more of your products.

Allow your customers to pay wholesale prices if they order in bulk. You are still going to make money on your wholesale items, just remember that this is a good way to increase your sales.

People who generate small sales will find that the Internet is extremely competitive. There are a couple of ways to gain an edge in this market, one being to adjust your prices in accordance with your competition in frequent intervals. Consider setting up your own Internet store as a means to allow customers to find all your products in one place.

TIP! Consider using positive words such as “guarantee” whenever you are writing ad descriptions. The value of a guarantee varies greatly depending on the company offering it, but the mere offer of a guarantee seem to allay many concerns.

Make your advertisements descriptive, and make sure to entice readers with promises of quick results. Inspire your ad readers to start shopping by making the experience itself inviting. This means improving download speed, having very fast checkouts, or quickly confirming orders.

Mobile marketing is a new conduit to customers that deserves your consideration. You can send out text alerts to your visitors when you have sales going or when you need to announce a new product. This is a very modern way to improve your marketing online.

Online Marketing

TIP! Identify specific actions you want your readers to take in your emails. Encourage them to purchase your product or visit your website, for example.

As stated in the beginning of this article, the more knowledgeable you become about Online marketing, the more success you will experience. Now that you are more informed with Web marketing, you can use this new information to better your efforts. Integrate the tips in this article and watch your online marketing campaigns take off and your profits continue to grow.


Allen Grindstaff

“Be certain on your choices, find Insight on your path and take action”

Skype: AllenGrindstaff



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Click on any of the banners in this site to see how I earn an income while I post articles like this one.