Author Archives: Allen Grindstaff

How To Effectively Use Social Media Marketing

How To Effectively Use Social Media Marketing

New business owners aren’t mega corporations, and thus have to deal with budget constraints on a regular basis. New business owners need to rely on novel techniques to reach their target audience like social media marketing. Its relatively low – or no – cost is appealing to many business owners, and is the perfect way of attracting new customers. This article contains valuable information about how you might implement these ideas into your marketing plan to make your business more successful.

Think about connecting your Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. From there, you can follow your contacts and give them to do it for you, too. It’ll give your tweets a more professional feel, and will help you build more professional contacts. Make sure to use the LinkedIn site, itself, and install its LinkedIn Tweets application.

Consider starting a Twitter party. Schedule a specific time to use a particular hashtag to talk about an issue with your customers. Gather your verbose, blogger friends and let the advice flow. Make sure you pick out bloggers that are good at what they do, and then will blog about the party to get their own followers there.

Promote product giveaways using your social media presence. Everyone loves a freebie, so this is a great way to get more people on social media sites to follow you. Consider a free sample or a small promotional mug or hat that you can give away by posting a link to the freebie on different freebie sites.

Keep in mind what a conversation really is. Many business owners don’t always take advantage of consumer feedback as an opportunity for conversation and a chance to encourage the growth of the company in a positive manner. Respond in a better way by trying to start speaking personally with your customers. Learn what they want, what they dislike, and how you can change your strategies to keep them happy and purchasing from you.

Promote any special offers that you are running on social networking sites. On Facebook, people are more likely to discover you if you provide rich content and nice discounts. Use social networks to engage your customers and give them a personal experience with your brand.

To help people find your site in searches, try making YouTube videos that have keywords that relate to your website. Some search engines include videos in search results and your video might appear on top. In your description of each video, be sure to include a site link.

Using social media to spread announcements and updates is great, but it should be simple. Shorter messages are less likely to bore the reader, and more likely to lodge in their mind and get shared with others. Judicious image usage can dramatically cut down on how much text is really needed.

Twitter users must respond to their followers regularly to maximize this social media site’s promotional power. Give people thanks when they mention you, and give them answers to questions they ask you. You will create a better relationship with your followers. This will help you establish an individual identity so you will not be seen as some type of corporate entity.

Make sure your advertisements are placed in a place on your profile where people will see them. You need to experiment with this to see which areas work best, but it’s worth the time spent!

Using SMM, you don’t need to worry about losing the last of your money. Instead, you can focus on providing high quality content to your audience. With all of these places online you should not have a hard time finding followers and become a good business.

Allen Grindstaff
Skype: AllenGrindstaff

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Tips To Make Social Media Marketing Easier

Tips To Make Social Media Marketing Easier

Marketing through social media is one of the hottest trends among modern businesses. Facebook and Twitter both have the ability to connect you with millions of people that could use your product or service. Businesses are noticing this and taking note of it. The following article will help you leverage the power of social media to reach all of those people and profit from them.

To draw the right kind of visitors to your site, use YouTube in your marketing with social media. Millions of people are on YouTube each hour of every day, this can potentially attract millions of people towards you so it’s never a bad idea to market on YouTube. It boosts sales when people who visit a product site already know what the product is about.

Have a photo contest that is related to your business. Ask customers to create photos of themselves using your products and offer prizes for creative photos. Inevitably, entrants will also share their photos on their networking pages, increasing the visibility of your brand twofold.

Social media marketing won’t do much for your business if no one wants to read your profile or follow your page. Before publishing content, you should first verify that it is free of errors, and also that it is interesting and relevant. Add captivating headlines for an added kick.!

Branding is so important within social media. Create and use a business logo for the background of your profiles on different social media sites, and as an avatar when you post in public forums. Incorporate the same colors and symbols throughout any social media that you use. Doing so helps your branding, which makes it easier for your subscribers to identify and trust you. Use consistent designs in order to leverage the power of your brand.

Think about connecting your Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. By doing this, you can get your professional contacts following your Twitter feed, and follow theirs in return. You can also improve your tweets’ professional appearance and meet new professional contacts if you connect Twitter and LinkedIn. Your LinkedIn page should, of course, have LinkedIn’s Tweets application installed on it.

If you know how to use each social media site, you’ll be ready to market effectively. A prime instance of this is mouse-clicking on the post time of a specific tweet, which then highlights the tweet itself into a distinct hyperlink. Use this technique to create a linkage web that promotes a single relevant post, rather than to send people back to the same generic profile or page.

It is crucial that you place links to your Facebook and Twitter pages, that can be easily accessed from your YouTube video. If you can get people who view your video to share it on social media, your audience will swell.

Notice the time of day when you receive the most re-tweets and responses on your Twitter account. Use that information to refine when you send messages. For example, if you send messages through an automated service, you can make sure your tweets go out at the times when most of your followers are likely to be online.

Until you can develop your own unique voice in the social media networking world, try following the ideas of others. Look into what your competitors are doing, and copy their style until you figure out what is best for you. Look at how they’ve designed and filled their profiles and read through their regular posts.

This article details several approaches for incorporating social media into your business. This information gives you a command of the basics so you can start getting your feet wet in social media marketing. Your hard work will pay off when millions of users can see your product and your income increases.


Allen Grindstaff
Skype: AllenGrindstaff

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The Beginners Guide To Social Media Marketing

The Beginners Guide To Social Media Marketing

Using social media sites for marketing can dramatically expand the reach of your business. BeginnersEven if you are already running a successful business, you can benefit from learning social media marketing. Read on to learn how to expand your business through social media.

You can learn a lot of information by interacting on social sites that you frequent. Do not view social media users as money-making tools, but rather as valuable sources of information. You should be able to find out all about their habits, likes and dislikes, which can aid you in making better connections with more of them.

People will appreciate being able to post their own comments on the pages of your blog. This becomes really critical if you have no direct contact methods they can use like a personal email address. You can let readers post comments, but you need to monitor the comment feed. Make sure you delete spams and rude or offensive comments quickly.

Make sure your posts aren’t condescending or give the reader the impression you are too cocky. No matter the size or reputation of your company, arrogant or boastful posts will not be taken well. Never express the opinion that you are more important or powerful than your customers and followers. They are the cornerstone to your success.

Facebook is an excellent platform for hosting a giveaway. You can easily give your company’s products away as prizes to the contest or giveaway winners. It is not only a great way to give back to your customer fan base, but you also market yourself further.

One way to increase interest in your social media campaign is to host employee blogs directly on the company website. Through these blogs, your customers will get an inside look at the inner workings of your business. They can get a better understanding of the values of your company, as well as the production process. This will build trust with your customers which will lead to increased sales.

Remaining professional is important even though social networks have altered the way we talk to one another. Be cautious about sharing personal information on any social media website. Avoid arguments by either responding professionally to negative posts or deleting comments that are completely unconstructive. Ensure that your personal profile is separate from your professional one!

Even if you are excited about learning and applying a hot new strategy, you should still take advantage of proven, more traditional approaches. Great business plans begin with properly-written press releases that contain core concepts that help them choose an audience. By combining old methods with new, you get the best of both worlds.

To get a large following for your social media marketing, do not just push products. Post links or stories about providers that are relevant to your niche or industry. There are a variety of other posting types, such as contests, pictures and even asking trivia questions. Interact with those whom you follow. Rather than looking for areas to place your products cleverly, you should think of how to generate interest in your products through content. See if you can get customers to associate your brand with their personal identity and lifestyle, instead of their wallet.

Hosting a question/answer session online is a fantastic way to gain more interest in your services and products through social media. This allows potential customers to better understand who you are, what you are offering, and what your company is all about. This is an interactive format, so it can help your business seem a little less distant from its customers.

The tactics you just learned will help you take the social media sites by storm. By putting these methods into a strategy for your business, the increase of customers to your business will be noticed. If you have the time to commit, the social media can in turn bring you tremendous benefits.


Allen Grindstaff
Skype: AllenGrindstaff

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Differences between Good Greed and Bad Greed by Robert Kiyosaki

Differences between Good Greed and Bad Greed by Robert Kiyosaki

Why Do I need to Focus?

That’s what most ordinary people think when they hear in a motivational CD or tape that you need to stay focused, stay the course, don’t get distracted, in order to meet your goals.

The problem is that most people don’t have goals therefore they live ordinary lives everyday.  Someone who has goals and knows what they want they will FOCUS on doing the necessary activities to accomplish that goal even if it is uncomfortable.

Once someone taught me that the road to success is a straight road, like a highway, with many exits (distractions) .  The trick is to not get distracted because if you do you will go off to work on that issue, problem, whatever the matter is you’re addressing, even new distractions will emerge and next thing you know a day, a week, even a month went by and now you’re getting back on that highway starting over.

Once you recognize the distraction avoid it, whatever you do don’t let it take you off course.  Don’t loose sight of your main focus on where you’re going to achieve your goals.  Things that help keeping you on track are reading books, listening to CD’s, tapes, etc.  Seek out leaders who have accomplished similar things you want to achieve and follow their coaching.

One thing I learned is that all the successful leaders in the world had to stay focused at one period of their lives in order to achieve their success. So yes being focused is important.


Image: scottchan /

My ‘one day’ action plan to make you $1,000 (read now)

My ‘one day’ action plan to make you $1,000 (read now)

On Tuesday this last week, I did a little

marketing engagement‘ experiment, to

see how many people I could help make

$1,000 in affiliate commissions in one



It worked just as well as I thought that

it would.  We ended up doing about

$60,000 in sales in one day, by giving

people in our special Facebook group

‘all day’ simple marketing assignments.


Basically, it worked like this:


I give a simple assignment – you complete

it.  We wash, rinse, and repeat.


Want to know how I market?


Well, today (tuesday) I’m going to help

you do it again, and I want to make sure

that you can participate.


First, you’re going to need an invite to

our top secret, invite only Facebook

Group.  There’s only one way to get

an invite, and I have to approve you.


Second, after you’re in the group,

complete the assignments as I give

them to you.  They’ll all be really

simple, and I’ll do them along side

you – to make sure that you have the

best chances of succeeding – copy what

I do, and follow along.


I’ll coach you along the way.


How do you get in the special, top

secret group?


This group is only open to my personal

inner circle.


To get inyou’ve got to watch this video,

and then when you buy (only $25) you’ll

get a notification email, that will have the

top secret link to the group.


You can just buy it for $25 here.


When you get the email (after you buy)

make sure to scroll to the bottom of it,

and click the link to join the Facebook

group.  I’ll meet you in there when I

wake up tomorrow, and we’ll start your

marketing assignments.


The goal?


I want to help you make $1,000.


Will you?  I don’t know – I know some

people will, and some won’t.


Believe it or not – some people won’t

even watch the video.  Lol.  Others

aren’t even willing to spend $25 right

now to just get inand do it.


Of course – I know you’re one of the

smart readers on my list, who doesn’t

want to take four million years to make

a measly $1,000 a day.


So you’ll just get in.


Smart decision.


Welcome aboard.


That was the intelligent thing to do.  I’ll

see you in the top secret group when I

get up, and we’ll start the assignments.


*  I might wake up late, just as a warning.

Since I stopped working a job, I realized

that I like to stay up late, get up late, and

do what I want while I make tons of money.


So I’ll see you in a bit – let me know if

for some reason you didn’t get your email,

and I’ll check to make sure your order

went through.


-Allen Grindstaff

“Covert Marketing Hypnotist”


P.S.  I would get all in, too (video)

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How to find 250 people to talk to

Remember when you got involved in your network marketing company that you felt really excited about and after you joined then you sat down with your upline for training he / she says “Ok lets’ make a list of the people you know …” and in your head you think “Oh my God I don’t know anyone…”, “what do you mean?” or “I don’t have a warm market to talk to…“. Don’t feel bad most people feel this way when presented with this task. You see most people are resistant to generate such a list of people they know due to either the thought that “I don’t want to bother my friends”, “what my family might think of me”, mainly it boils down to fear. It’s ok don’t feel scared nor act selfish to share something that may benefit them more than you worrying about your self image, remember you are in a business of helping others.

In reality you do know people you could talk to, think about this when reading what’s next. Have you read the book Endless Referrals by Bob Burg? In his book he talks about the Sphere of influence, what that means is everyone is a center of influence to about 250 people, they did a study where individuals gathered a list to invite people they know to their wedding and interesting enough each individual who did this came to 250 people. Now imagine every person you talk to is connected to at least 250 people and say in a course of a period of time you talk to 250 people that yields 62,500 people you could potentially reach and talk to, develop a relationship, friendships, etc. Did that just opened your mind a bit to what can be accomplished? I hope it did.

When being coached by your upline most likely he / she will give you a memory jogger which helps a lot to identify people you might not think about normally, also consider this most people in this day and age have everyone they know in their cell phones. Just make sure you accept what they train you on and most importantly implement what you learned.

How to find 250 people to talk to

How to find 250 people to talk to

Remember when you got involved in your network marketing company that you felt really excited about and after you joined then you sat down with your upline for training he / she says “Ok lets’ make a list of the people you know …” and in your head you think “Oh my God I don’t know anyone…”, “what do you mean?” or “I don’t have a warm market to talk to…“. Don’t feel bad most people feel this way when presented with this task. You see most people are resistant to generate such a list of people they know due to either the thought that “I don’t want to bother my friends”, “what my family might think of me”, mainly it boils down to fear. It’s ok don’t feel scared nor act selfish to share something that may benefit them more than you worrying about your self image, remember you are in a business of helping others.

Endless Referrals

In reality you do know people you could talk to, think about this when reading what’s next. Have you read the book Endless Referrals by Bob Burg? In his book he talks about the Sphere of influence, what that means is everyone is a center of influence to about 250 people, they did a study where individuals gathered a list to invite people they know to their wedding and interesting enough each individual who did this came to 250 people. Now imagine every person you talk to is connected to at least 250 people and say in a course of a period of time you talk to 250 people that yields 62,500 people you could potentially reach and talk to, develop a relationship, friendships, etc. Did that just opened your mind a bit to what can be accomplished? I hope it did.

When being coached by your upline most likely he / she will give you a memory jogger which helps a lot to identify people you might not think about normally, also consider this most people in this day and age have everyone they know in their cell phones. Just make sure you accept what they train you on and most importantly implement what you learned.

Allen Grindstaff

Skype: AllenGrindstaff



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If making money in your business isn’t EASY, you ain’t doing it right…

If making money in your business isn’t EASY, you ain’t doing it right…


…this might sound a bit ‘off‘ from what a lot of people are saying, but I PROMISE you, that what I’m saying here is not only true, but when you really get it – I don’t think you’ll ever struggle to have money in your life again.

Let me define this for you…

When I say that making money is easy – I’m not saying it doesn’t involve work – what I am saying is that there should be no struggle involved in the process, and when you understand the flow of money and how to create income on demand, your income will ‘flow’ instead of having that feeling that you’re beating your forehead against a wall with nails in it…

Here’s how this post got inspired:

I was in an airport the other day, and got talking to a speech pathologist who is traveling through Costa Rica with some friends for the next month or two.  After 2 or 3 minutes, she asked me what I do for a living, and I just decided to tell her the truth…

“I’m a drug dealer.”

After she got nervous, I laughed and said ‘kidding, seriously – what I do is EVEN better – I get paid to live like I want all day.’

We then started talking about economics, the government, the Federal Reserve System, and how the internet and instant communication fits into the future of the world.

(well, OK – it was me talking and her being bewildered by foreign concepts that almost no one understands…)

It became very clear to me in about 10 minutes, that this 35 year old gal had NO IDEA how the flow of money worked in the world, and it got me thinking…

…I wasn’t really able to create income on demand until I learned how the flow of money worked – and once I understood HOW it worked – I got rid of a bunch of silly concepts that were holding me back from creating what I wanted to create in my life.

Since that time – I’ve consistently made around $30,000 per month, and sometimes a lot more from my various businesses – and honestly, with very little struggle, it just ‘flows’.

So what the HECK did I learn?

Well, I was raised in a Mormon family, went on a mission, went to public school, my Grandpa was a University president for UAF in Fairbanks, Ak – and BOTH of my parents were exceptional students and products of the ‘system’ of the baby boomers…

…all of this nonsense resulted in me (along with the entire baby boomer generation – WHICH by the way, isn’t as true anymore, they are waking up to the real nature of what’s been happening to them in a BIG way right now) not understanding AT ALL the truth behind creating income.

I was raised with the philosophy that if I worked hard – I would be paid a fair wage for my labor – whether it is mental labor, as a product of my intellect and education, or whether it was physical labor (as a product of skipping school too much… lol)

In any case – it took me A LONG TIME to figure out that what I just described has absolutely nothing to do with how much money you’re going to have.  Let me give you an example of how my personal stupidity resulted in a lot of poverty in my life:

I got involved in Amway in 2002, right after I was done being a Mormon missionary for 2 years in the British midlands.  When I was a missionary – I had paid for all of my bills 2 years in advance, and the finances were managed by someone who was good with numbers (a mission accountant, essentially).  My bills were paid from a central location that I didn’t manage, electricity, land-line (we weren’t allowed to have cell phones) and then about 40 pounds was direct deposited into my bank account every 2 weeks that was for ‘extra food’ when people didn’t feed us.  (true story).

So I was completely free from financial burden, had my needs met all the time, never knew how much anything costs – and could focus on mission work (the point of the accountant guy – usually one of these guys manages about 300 missionaries).

I don’t know if I consciously thought this – or if it was an unconscious belief – but for some reason, when I got in Amway – I thought if I just ‘worked hard’ that I would have money mysteriously appear in my bank account.

NOT the case!

It’s funny – but if you’re an employee and you just ‘work hard’ you’re pretty much guaranteed a set wage as long as you have a job and perform – but employee’s rarely think about where the money for that wage comes from, that it has to come from several things:

1.  Money changing hands from one person to another

2.  Profit being generated from the difference between cost of goods and the revenue created.

3.  BAMB!  There’s now money to pay the employees, and hopefully some left over at the end of the month for the boss!  (otherwise, you ain’t going to have that job for long)

Let me tell you the important part of that scenario though – that is the KEY indicator of a successful business:


You see, when I was in Amway, I worked REALLY HARD – the problem was, I didn’t understand that working hard has nothing to do with how much money you make.  Let me explain the formula in a little more detail, and I’m going to show you how most people get hung up:

The formula is this: Person A has money, and gives it to Person B in exchange for something he wants.

Here’s the thing most people don’t get (it’s not that they don’t understand it – it’s that they never really think about it).  To get the money from Person A – Person B doesn’t have to actually be involved in that process AT ALL.


Nope – in fact, how hard you work has nothing at all to do with how much money you are going to have in your life – how much money you’re going to have has literally only one key factor – how many people give you money, how much they give you, and what your profit margins are after you pay for everything.

When I figured that out – I started asking the next key question:

“Gosh dangit – how then do I get lots of people to give me lots of money – and what do I give them in exchange that’s so valuable that they’ll KEEP giving me money over, and over again???”

Lol.  Kind of funny in one way – but thinking along those lines let me to a fascinating discovery – there are only actually a FEW WAYS of getting people to give you money!  (legally, anyways – we’ll throw out gun-point robbery and drug dealing for now)  All you have to do is pick one of these ways (they have different levels of pain and work depending on the method) and BAMB!  Let’s make you some easy cash now!

Method #1 (The Stupid Way):  Trade your manual labor (either mental or physical) for money your boss gives you, and just expect that it will keep working.  The reason this way sucks, is that you’re intimately involved in the money-getting process, meaning that you have to show up to get paid.

Method #2 (The Smarter, But Not So Smart Way): Sell stuff to people that they don’t want or need, by getting really good at selling.  This method can work to make lots of cash now – but the problem is, you’re still intimately involved in the process and are trapped – just like the employee – and since people don’t really want your stupid product, you won’t have any recurring purchases and selling will eventually burn you out.

Method #3 (Getting There – But Not Quite The Greatest Money Getting Method): Find a group of people who want something, and find a way to sell your product or service to them by leveraging what THEY WANT, to sell them what YOU WANT.  This method actually works quite well if you know how to sell, but the problem with it is, there’s always a limited market with this method – if you have to convince people to do something that they don’t quite want, you’ve always got to be coming up with crazy ways to sell it to them.  Although this isn’t my MAIN METHOD of earning income – I still use it all the time to sell valuable products and services to people who don’t know they want them… (yet)

Method #4 (ALMOST the greatest money making method ever, but not quite): Find out a product that a lot of people already want, and find the cheapest, best way of delivering it to them.  Man, this method just rocks – the reason?  No real selling required, you can acquire customers and keep them cheaper and longer if you give great value – PLUS, you can also upsell them products that they didn’t know they needed yet.  However, this method still, although somewhat leveraged, is a high paying job – however, it’s a relatively easy one if you manage it properly.  But unfortunately, if you stop working, your income stops, which leads us to…

Method #5:  The BEST Way Of Money Getting In The History Of The World! Are you ready for this?  Ok, grab a pen….

“Find a people who want a product with high profit margins and repeat purchases, find the best way of selling it to them WITHOUT you being involved in the process at all…”

I just had an orgasm.


Ok, got my new shorts on – the cool thing about this method is that once you set it up – people give you money without you doing anything!  Now that’s cool!

That means, you can make a ridiculous income, live wherever you want in the world, do what you love, and money just flows into your account on autopilot – with no hard work, effort, or energy involved.

That’s why I like Network Marketing (when done properly)

So here’s the couple of questions I have for you:

1.  Are you trying to sell something that people just don’t want, or do you just suck at selling it?

2.  Is there high enough profit in what you do to eventually outsource it so you don’t have to continue managing something for the rest of your life?

3.  Is there a big enough market to sustain your dream lifestyle?

4.  If you want – you’re welcome to send money my way, any time – just click on any of the images that ‘glow’ when you hover over them.


In any case – I hope that you take these concepts and make a boat load of cash – the world needs more rich people to create jobs, buy nice stuff, and otherwise show us all what’s possible when the mind of man (or woman) is focused on a singular cause.

To the top,
David Wood 
“Rich, Free, and Curly

Hi world

Category : Uncategorized

Hey World I’m here, get ready to be changed for the better!